+44 7932 759240 info@andycoughlin.co.uk

When we run our Management programme with clients, it’s so often the ‘Points of Success’ scorecard exercise that drives the most debate, which in turn leads to the most impactful decisions and changes from the management team. One key area is around ‘skills and resources’ checking to see if these are appropriate to the challenges that the business faces. And in times of change, like now, these requirements are also likely to change. 

Skills form one of the three points of the performance triangle; the other two being mindset and structure. Evaluating what skills are needed within the team forms a key management question when sitting down with team members. It sounds too obvious to be true – of course we should check if the members of the team have the right skills in place. And that the skills are current for today’s situation, and that they are practiced and accurate. 

But ask yourself, when did you last seriously have that conversation with your team? And when did you last ask the team to practice them?  

The skills ladder is a useful tool here: 

  • Components 
  • Conditioning 
  • Diversions 

…in that order! 

The resources could come under ‘structure’. What are the tools that your team use to do the job? And same question: are they appropriate for the task in hand? And are they clear/easy to use? 

A conversation around skills and resources is classic blue-head behaviour – looking at the process rather than the outcome. How do we create an environment what will give our people the most chance of succeeding? 

For more information on how to create high performance environments, please do get in touch.