Sales Programmes
There is always pressure in sales. The key to performing well in tough sales environments is to have a great sales structure and to execute that structure skilfully, irrespective of the challenges in front of you. The customer decides, not you. So that part is out of your control. But the way you engage, your process, is within your control, and it’s helpful to focus on that.

All performance is determined by a combination of:
- Skillset
- Mindset
- Structure
and sales is no different
- We’ll help you identify the skills gaps in your team. What could they be doing better? Where would improvements deliver the maximum return?
- Our Red to Blue model will help your team stay ‘On Task’ and put their attention on the right areas.
- We’ll help you develop a robust structure for your sales engagements. Organisations that thrive under pressure have really robust structures and process, and they practice them until they become permanent.
Maps and Tools
We put your customer at the heart of your sales engagement, and help you build engagements around them, not around you. Our programs are supported by a customised one-page map, and a set of one-page tools, which means they are easy to use and accessible in the field. We’ll coach and practice the use of the model, and the skills associated with it, so that it becomes second nature.
The maps and tools draw on the powerful Red to Blue model, used by organisations including the New Zealand All Blacks and the Ghurka Regiment in the British Army, and the powerful Decision Making Cycle© used by leading companies around the world.
Facilitated by experienced, Gazing Performance Systems partners, who themselves continue to sell week in, week out, our sales programs quickly get into the practicalities and real-life situations that you and your teams face, giving you the tools to deliver under pressure. And they are supported by follow-up sessions, coaching and e-bulletins all designed to embed the model.
To read more about what our clients say, click here. To contact us about how we can help your sales operation, click here.